The Rise and Fall of The Dakhma of Angra Mainyu OKC Church: What Happened?
The Rise and Fall of The Dakhma of Angra Mainyu OKC Church: What Happened?
Part 1. Part 2 will be published June 16 2021.
NOTE: As you read through this article keep in mind that my intention is not to be negative nor positive throughout this editorial opinion article and is presented based on my personal observations and publicized events regarding adam daniels and the Dakhma of Angra Mainyu church; a legal and registered church located in Oklahoma City Oklahoma USA.. This article is a work-in-progress and there will be article updates. When this article is republished and contains updates, it will be cited with a newer corresponding publish date beneath the original published date.
I remember when I was 6 years old I gave all of myself and my soul to the devil. I didn’t think of it as a simple vocal dedication to the devil, but that is what it was. It happened in the basement bathroom of a middle class home I grew up in until 1976 when I was 13 years old. The basement bathroom had blue walls with a toilet and a sink and a constructed shower. I don’t know why I remember the moment so vividly as if it were a picture or a video in my mind. The wall in front of me was about 2 feet away while a mirrored vanity was to my left and the shower to my right and the door to the bathroom was just to the right of the area of the wall I was staring at.
It was a middle-class home and my parents were very, very poor when they married as they slept on a mattress on the floor in a room of my father’s parents house when they first married in 1958. Over time my parents saved and invested money and they had done amazingly and extraordinary well for themselves. In 1976 my parents were on the cusp of their own lives financially growing with seemingly no stop to it. Also in 1976 my parents bought real estate and constructed a mega house. I was allowed to choose my own room and carpeting and wall paint color and I chose Orange for the walls and an orangish carpet. The furniture I had was crafted wood and my corner room windows looked out onto a beautiful and manicured lawn in the middle of the Woods.
My parents had sent me to private school, but of course I didn’t fit in there. I did participate in catholic communion, but never fully confessed all of my sins. By the time I was 17 years old I had been satanically sexually indoctrinated from an early age and still to this day my penis bears the ritual scar from a knife that attest to such matters. Other people would write books calling this lifestyle or life experiences a tragedy, a Horror Story. I never looked at it like that. For me everything was normal and even today I cherish the experiences I had. Anyone who today would point their finger at me and say, “Karlton you just don’t understand what they did to you” while certainly my response would be, “Oh, but I do and there was nothing wrong with any of it as a matter of fact I sought it out. I searched out freedom in this Satanic lifestyle and I found sanctuary in the local theaters from grade school throughout high school and into college. I found acceptance, not that everybody knew whom I was inside, but theater people have their cliques and will talk about you, but will not necessarily judge nor ostracize you.
In my twenties I had a relationship with a girl I had gone to middle school with. We had the amazing blessings of two children. One was age 5 and the other age 7. One day I watched them die before me and I tried even sacrificing my own life to save theirs. It wasn’t enough. I don’t talk about this. Her family (I guess understandably) became embroiled in the relationship and the relationship could not survive. I studied my left hand pathways and worked through what felt right for me and what did not work for me. Practicing the left hand path was intentionally my only emotional support.
In 2004 on a visit to a local Cemetery at 3 in the morning a ‘knowingness’ came over me that I would meet someone and it was destined to be. Indeed months later the lightning bolt struck and what was foretold in this ‘knowingness’ set my life through the sun moon and stars alignment and I knew what that feeling truly meant. I thought I had known before, but I was wrong.
I had joined an international fraternity and also joined a few covens. Surprisingly I excelled. I discovered I had a gift for energy manipulation and shape-shifting energy from myself and affecting others. It’s cool, but nothing romantic like levitation or having any of the seven wonders of magic gifts.
Although a hokey video, I did create and post a YouTube video describing my ceremony inducting me into an amazing coven. Here is that YouTube link if interested:
I relish and cherish my experiences and digest the lessons. Chronological age is not foremost important as it is the experiences you have that are of utmost importance. Certainly some experiences can only be attained having reached an age befitting of the experience such as getting a driver’s license or joining the military and so forth.
I find it unfortunate that any Left Hand Pather would laugh at another Left Hand Pather It doesn’t matter your thoughts about another’s occult reality or delusion. What matters is the other person’s ability to take their own reality and manipulate their energy into energy Magic.
That stated it is especially rare for me to finger point to someone and cite they are not who they say they are. Everyone has magical abilities, some more developed than others of course, but where it seems to go wrong for me is when they take their magical abilities and wrap that around their personal ego then expound themselves onto others with such exaggeration and farce that credibility gets destroyed and any path forward, wishing to share a magical reality with anyone, including oneself, is destroyed. I have seen this happen so very often and I always find this disheartening.
Unfortunately, some are seemingly blinded by their own ego and need to control that they become their own victim haunted by the Dark Shadows they once humbly and majestically bonded with.
“Masquerading as a man with a reason,
My charade is the event of the season.
And if I claim to be a wise man, well
It surely means that I don’t know”.
-Kansas, Carry On My Wayward Son, 1978.
You have to ask yourself what creates a church? Is it a binding, a bond, with others that share your belief? Certainly, it’s not a spirituality that you want defined by walls or the dogma of any one or more individuals telling you, what your spirituality is and how it should be expressed including what your actions should consist of. The combination of the two is a recipe rich enough for a cult to be in the works.
adam daniels seemingly could be titled an expert in this aspect stating again and again what Ahriminism is to the point viewers are seemingly confused- enter Gumby as seen in one of adam daniels educational videos titled, “Dakhma of Angra Mainyu – Explained” ( published Nov 4 2012.
Many of you apparently left the slavery of the Nazarene belief system behind and certainly have never looked back as you continue to educate yourself and explore and discover amazing and wonderous sights and sounds upon your dark journey, only to find another demanding and yelling preacher in adam daniels through his online videos.
Interesting when viewing the Dakhma of Angra Mainyu videos, there are not more, or very many, church members attending church functions, especially when taken into account those who have had an exorcism or other functions of the church such as an apostasy against their former spirituality and aligning with Father Ahriman. Why haven’t these members shown up to church functions? Are they no longer church members and if not why? Why is it seemingly the same small group of people showing up and not others?
I can only speculate the answer, but certainly questions that anyone could not help but to raise since the discrepancy of low church membership participation is significant. Have people who have previously participated stop participating because of adam daniels, as I suspect, or have these people whom have previously participated, and have disavowed their previous God and spirituality, once again deny a spirituality in Father Ahriman and hence return to a religion they may be more comfortable with or have they self created a spirituality that resonates within?- And if that is the case, why were they attracted to the Dakhma of Angra Mainyu church? It’s a fair question especially when paired against other National churches such as The Satanic Temple with Lucien Greaves in Salem Massachusetts and in California with founder Anton LaVeys The Church of Satan.
Is adam daniels about himself or about Father Ahriman? I am certain there are multiple ways to look at this with an interpretation that he is both sincere and insincere. Looking at adam daniels and his church he is seemingly incapable of retaining membership for whatever reasons. There are plenty of videos with him and Jeremy Melvin, but at some point Jeremy Melvin and adam daniels had a parting of the ways. I do not know why and I never inquired as to why. One of the last Facebook conversations I had with Jeremy Melvin was on April 15 2017 and he stated he and adam had parted ways.
Matthew Garman was even cast aside essentially ignored by adam daniels. Matthew Garman was a loyal and dedicated church member and was exorcised as part of the Oklahoma City Black Mass event.
A female church member named Terrie was ostracized and as I understand it was because of a strong and verbal argument with Kelsey Fowler Daniels and I am unsure what the issue may have been regarding. I was under the impression they were both very, very good friends. Although I never asked the details of what happened I do know the outcome involving adam daniels and Kelsey fowler daniels- they publicly posted flyers of a naked Terrie throughout the Oklahoma City Oklahoma USA area including at her place of employment, a Wendy’s Restaurant. In a Facebook message chat adam stated Kelsey wanted to “cut her throat” and they had near empty streets when posting these fliers.
Oh yes there is a video adam daniels posted titled, “Disproving False Rumors and Slander” published Oct 19, 2017 regarding being accused of distributing these fliers. ( I was quite shocked that Terrie had created such a video of which adam daniels of course leaped upon the opportunity to use this to his advantage. Terrie in my opinion obviously has very, very deep emotional and psychological issues and trauma and that is why I do not use her last name in this article. I have met her as I was at her exorcism and she is a wonderful woman as I can tell.
David Kindle made a post and stated, “I call bullshit. I know of one former member of this Dakhma that, when she decided to leave, these people then spread flyers and posters of her in uncomprimising(sp) circumstances. While that was her fault for allowing herself to be fooled by these people, she later confided in me of activities, while not directly related to this one story, were very similar.”
Most churches do not have leaders that want to cut the throat of their members so why wouldn’t these Dakhma of Angra Mainyu folks be inviting and receptive and come across as “Hey everyone I don’t have time to give everybody personal time, but I want to give church members responsibilities such as public relations and somebody to seek out donations perhaps from the community, alright?” I understand none of that ever happened. During ceremonies and rituals people were given responsibilities such as hitting the gong and reading from a ceremonial script, but nothing of substance to involve the members nor community. Why? Was James Hale correct when he stated in the documentary, ‘The Real Enemy’ that adam daniels is about control (15:03) citing power rape and seeking a position of control. If adam daniels is about control that may explain why church members do not attend public functions. Could there be more to the story?
David Kindle wrote in 2015: “One should know that this man, Adam daniels, is not as upstanding as he would have you believe. Yes, everyone knows that he is a convicted sex offender reaching back several years ago. But what most don’t know is this Dakhma of Angra Mainyu is actually a sex cult. Every female member that darkens Mr. Daniels’ doorstep ends up in a threesome or foursome with other members. He would teach you that this is the way to worship the Daevas. Horseshit. I was a member of this dakhma but resigned as it became clear that Adam daniels is merely a narcIssist that demands his followers actually worship him, not the Daevas. If one would look into this on one’s own, go ahead. But if one agrees with and “follows” this Daniels, it must be understood that you’re merely a follower and nothing else will you be within this organization. It is not my way to spread hate but I feel that I must speak out about this organization.”
I certainly never was one to deny anyone the freedoms a multi member sexual experience may provide, but apparently manipulation of church members into sexual encounters is a strong cult signal of which many cults follow and to list them (known cults using church cover for sex) here would be exhausting. That stated, I strongly believe in sex for magic as the energy level is very substantial for magic purposes.
So why was there not more church member involvement in the community? It seems all of it featured adam daniels and others were just an accessory to the actions / activities of adam daniels. Essentially being a one man show publicly may not translate into a large organization. Since minimal church members would show up for church functions, anyone with inclination would eventually see that as translating into a public perception of reality as a failed (fallen) organization. Insert your own comparison of The Satanic Temple or The Church of Satan, etc., versus the Dakhma of Angra Mainyu here.
Church activities.
The Church of Ahriman then became the Dakhma of Angra Mainyu and had a variety of activities I personally wish were broadened to be seen more intrinsic. Watching the church’s Youtube channel one easily gets the sense that shock value is on the menu above fundamental substance. That is to say an over-the-top marketing plan was used to push the church activities through the social media platforms and at times local news outlets. Surprisingly it was the taxpaying public citizens or news outlets themselves that hyped adam daniels church above any ‘shock’ he was providing. Afterall, adam daniels stated, “Satan will be coming out of hell with his giblets attached” (Dakhma of Angra Mainyu – Church of the IV Majesties Full Exorcism News Video, 1:37, published Aug 15, 2012; and the bible belt citizens I don’t think were laughing. The only ones laughing were the Dakhma of Angra Mainyu church members and the advertising sales team at the local television stations.
I love these exorcisms. What I really like about them are the post exorcism interviews. Most of whom have had an exorcism seemingly are entranced by the experience. As I write this there are 6 exorcisms the Dakhma of Angra Mainyu has placed for public view on Youtube. I’m not going to comment on each exorcism except to say I personally have witnessed the exorcism of Terrie on December 21 2014. If adam daniels had purchased quality video equipment, I would be visible in the background after this particular exorcism.
(And to that point, in the video, “Church of the IV Majesties… Remembered” published September 22 2012, Kelsey Fowler Daniels stated that former church (a now defunct Devil Worship church) partner James Hale had issues with the daniels’ creating and posting videos in part because of the video quality. Another reason may be adam daniels does not privately blow his nose prior to video recording his message of which he then posts on social media. An excellent example of this is “Dakhma of Angra Mainyu – Explained” ( published Nov 4 2012 where adam daniels, like a child, snorts snot through his nose and into his throat and swallows.).
I list two exorcisms here as that is more than enough to get the point across that adam daniels hypocritically says one thing while doing another.
In The Exorcism of Tim on the Dakhma of Angra Mainyu YouTube channel published March 1 2012 (, at 35 minutes in, Jeremy Melvin, under the observation of adam daniels, certainly recites words adam daniels had written for the exorcism- “Satanic magicians compel you!” So this is just another example of adam daniels hypocrisy since he emphatically states he and his church want nothing to do with Satanism, “No I don’t want to be a part I don’t wanna to be considered anything to do with Satanists I don’t care if they’re theistic atheistic no I don’t want anything to do with it because their concept and how they do things as far as I’m concerned lack integrity and lack honor.” (The Real Enemy: 05:54).
In Candice’s Exorcism on the Dakhma of Angra Mainyu YouTube channel published January 13 2017 ( at 35:05 adam daniels himself exclaims, “The Satanic Clergy who commands you! All Satanic Magicians who command you!” Yet another example of adam daniels hypocrisy.
The few examples I have presented attacks the credibility of adam daniels as he has stated he wants nothing to do with Satanism, yet he apparently has written the exorcism that is being performed under his observation and a participant is citing Satanism. In another exorcism example it is adam daniels himself who exclaims the power of Satan to expel the christ consciousness from the one receiving the exorcism. To any reader this should certainly raise an eyebrow… or two.
Interview: Meeting with a catholic minister.
Dakhma of Angra Mainyu Dastur adam and Everette Cox
Published December 27 2015.
adam daniels meets with Everett Cox- the ego infested Mortgage Banker, “an ordinary businessman involved in this volunteer work of setting people free from the real enemy” (The Real Enemy, 18:40). This is a very, very painful video to watch because of adam daniels lack of experience or he seriously does not give a fuck just like everyone in his group as adam daniels stated, “Every person in my group no longer gives a fuck. We no longer care you’re taking like Malcolm X it only takes one person who does not give a fuck to change the world. Well now you got a group of ‘em.” (The Real Enemy, 17:46).
Let it be known that everyone you see or know to be associated with adam daniels and the Dakhma of Angra Mainyu do not give a fuck. adam daniels has spoken for them apparently giving adam daniels the power to represent their person to the world. Ask yourself if this is an action of a cult church or is this normal church behavior for a church leader to tell others what you feel and what your opinion is on issues.
If you haven’t seen this video you may want to skip this since it mostly comprises and results in Everett Cox creating an infomercial touting christian works in jesus christ while adam daniels for the most part sits there not knowing what to say or do- trying to look as if he understands the situation. adam daniels never caught on how Everett Cox was playing adam daniels. Why?
Never mind the moments adam daniels is so nervous his voice mimics Mickey Mouse in near perfect cartoon pitch, watch at 15:25 into the video as the cameraman actually has to steer, to give adam daniels direction, into a dialogue with Everett Cox. You cannot make this stuff up. What happened to the ego of adam daniels when he stated, “I have the ugliest dirtiest marks on my record that can be fathomed in this society and yet I still walk my path. I am still a warrior. I still go after my goals. I let nothing hold me back!” (The Real Enemy, 4:21).
The Devil Worship guy whom demands, “I proclaim death to all! Destroy every member of the enemies herd for there shall be no mercy!” (The Real Enemy, 10:49) can’t even verbally challenge the enemy when sitting 3 feet from an enemy he proverbially or non-proverbially demands dies and gets destroyed; video created albeit miles away from the enemy and in the safety of his own home protected by the hanging Pentagram flag and stuffed animal head on the wall. This isn’t a joke. This is a person claiming to be a powerful devil worship church leader whom chokes both figuratively and literally when tasked to proverbially do his job and I suspect simple tasks for that matter. adam daniels is totally inept to intelligently spin the conversation back to the benefits of devil worship and why christianity is a failed religion. adam daniels watches Everett Cox as if he were watching television.
Another example of adam daniels failure is when Everett Cox stated he had lost a daughter after he’d gotten out of the service and Everett Cox expressed his complete depression over it. I was looking for adam to ask why Everett Cox only choice for spiritual survival was jesus christ and not any of the vast options available other than the christ consciousness. Even if adam daniels stated this was part of god’s plan his daughter died and Cox should have rejoiced – the miracle of God! Say something! Do something!
In studying adam daniels I am finding that adam daniels retreats and does not attack unless he is on his home base surrounded by comfort and the security of others to fight for him, even get arrested for him. There are examples of this and plays into what James Hale had stated with adam daniels seeking control (The Real Enemy, 15:10). I believe power and leadership and control are taken, even if taken with a smile and quietly.
The pain of this video continues as Everett Cox states, “All I can say is the deceivers done a great job on you” (16:57) to which adam daniels replies, “Well I’m definitely doing his work” (17:02).
Huh? What?! adam daniels is not doing any work, none at all, during this excruciatingly painful interview. Why can’t adam daniels conjure up the ability to manifest intelligent retorts to Everett Cox and if nothing else immediately demand an apology from Everett Cox for his sour comment and disrespect? Why didn’t adam daniels bring out the seemingly endless hypocrisy of the bible by quoting the bible verses that ludicrously are stated in its folds? Lucian Greaves of The Satanic Temple immediately and seamlessly rises to the tense challenge when confronted on international news programs, ably deflecting snide comments and deceptive questions, but adam daniels lays down and accepts it.
It’s unfathomable. I believe no one would believe this except there it is on video completely documented. A devil worshiping church “leader” confirming that the devil is a deceiver and that the devil worshiping church “leader” is doing the deceiver’s work. You can’t make any of this up. it’s pathetic.
Take a moment to consider what would happen if the news media, local or national, got ahold of this recorded portion alone. A Devil Worship church “leader” acknowledging the Devil is a deceiver? Some of you may agree that it could set all Left Hand Pathers back hundreds of years possibly thousands of years, but certainly countless decades.
This interview never should have happened. Why was Adam daniels so unprepared? The interview that you thought couldn’t get worse gets worse when adam daniels brings up his mommy issues to Everett Cox. It’s like listening to a 7 year old child. It truly is painful to watch this.
Everett Cox states, “You probably heard some of the gospel before“ (23:03 ) and adam daniels responds, “Uh, well my mother is a hardcore Catholic if that helps. In fact, I got a real nasty phone call from my mother, uh, uh, three days before I got sued by Coakley, begging me to give back the Eucharist that I never had. Needless to say, I’ll never talk to my mother again. So yeah, it’s however it goes.”
At 24:03 adam expresses a thought to Everett Cox and it’s clear Everett Cox could not be more disinterested and even looks to the camera person as if to say we are finished then, right? adam daniels gives all of the power to Everett Cox. The video was 28 minutes and 13 seconds long. The interview is peppered with nervous laughter from adam daniels. Interesting in the documentary The Real Enemy it shows adam daniels with a sword stating that he is a warrior and he walks his path, but here he walks the path of Everett Cox. adam daniels looked upon Everett Cox as an authority figure and let the authority figure do what the authority figure does and that is take charge.
At 26:53 minutes into the video Everett Cox and adam daniels shake hands. I am of the opinion adam daniels should have refused to shake the hand of Everett Cox. The only reason I can surmise that adam daniels shook the hand of Everett Cox is adam daniels is not experienced enough to know that Everett Cox dominated and steamrolled this experience doing what Everett Cox does: “All I can say is I am totally against Satanism and witchcraft and and I’m going to shoot it down any way I can. That’s where I’m coming from. Any of us that belong to Jesus have an obligation to counter-attack because they’re attacking us.” (The Real Enemy, 20:49).
The Documentary The Real Enemy premiered Thursday June 11 2015 at 9:45 PM and the interview with Everett Cox was published on December 27 2015. There was plenty of time for adam daniels to prepare for this interview other than the energy drink he opened prior to boarding an elevator taking him to the office of Everett Cox and his organization Deliverance Ministries. Unfortunately and obviously adam daniels ‘winged’ the entire Everett Cox interview.
Perhaps adam daniels was over confident and expected Everett Cox to be a passive sheep and a tool. In the documentary The Real Enemy adam daniels states, “A christian is a sheep. He’s a fucking weak-minded moron who is enslaved and does what he is told to do.” (1:31) and later states, “…A average Joe Blow- that’s a tool. That’s no different than say my Athame. If you’re not part of us, you’re not one of us, you’re no different than anything else- You’re a tool to be used.” (36:35).
Kelsey Fowler Daniels is present during this interview and she is co-founder of the church (in addition to being both church Secretary and church Treasurer officer) so why didn’t she step in, while the interview was seriously going off the rails and give adam valuable support? I can’t understand why adam and Kelsey had not rehearsed this interview at home as it’s quite obvious practicing for this moment never occurred. Preparations as if this were a debate, because it was an obvious debate win from Everett Cox side of the table, should have transpired, but seemingly the only preparation for the day was adam drinking an energy drink. Watching the group enter Everett Coxs’ office it is obvious to me adam is uncomfortable and I believe it is because he knows he is out of his league or he is not on his home turf and has someone else fight for him. He is inexperienced and must now fight for himself. Afterall, adam daniels didn’t conjure the media attention that the Oklahoma City Black Mass achieved, it was Coakley and the catholic church that the news media reacted to. It wasn’t the confidence of (or lack thereof) adam daniels nor his church as they were simply the prop used by the media to show mass christian hysteria (please pardon the ‘mass’ pun).
Church member (now former church member) Jeremy Melvin states it best in the documentary The Real Enemy, “It was kind of a slow beat at first like it has been for a past few years- we got a little bit of local media, but nothing really big, uhm until Coakley popped off. When Coakley popped off then it was just raining in.” (27:58).
Watch or don’t watch this painfully sad video. Judge for yourself if you would want adam daniels on your side when you become faced with a spiritual war.
According to this Daily Mail, adam daniels identified with Buddhism as a religion, as a spiritual path. Adam daniels unfortunately had a situation, when he was 19 years old working in a convenience store, where in defending himself he had to kill an individual whom was attacking him. The story then continues that adam sought answers to his emotional and life questioning plight through the Catholic religion (and Baptist religion per Everett Cox interview), and Buddhism. Why was adam not satisfied with the Buddhist answers he had received? If the Buddhist philosophy was good enough for him to enjoin with, to identify with-, remember adam daniels stated he has studied (religions, philosophies?) then why refuse such a religious philosophy simply because it is not fitting your needs? You boldly stated your studies, so why did he then have a spiritual issue, a problem? (“My studies have led me to the origins of the devil….” The Real Enemy,, 3:16). In the end, how many gods will adam daniels have bowed down to?
ATTENTION READER: If you are late to the party, please turn your bullshit meter on.
As in the meeting where adam daniels meets Everett Cox, adam daniels also brings up his mother issues yet again in this article, “’I tried to find solace and I was told that I had committed the sin of wrath by the Christians and the Buddhists — even by my mom.”
adam seemingly cannot make a decision about what his spiritual affiliation is. Why?
Documentary: The Real Enemy.
The Real Enemy | Worshiping the Devil in the Bible Belt
Watching The Real Enemy documentary is important because it is quite telling of the spiritual ideologies behind the people involved and their conscious level, their intellects, on all sides of this colorful cast of characters. This documetary is loaded with great information. while the documentary at first glance seemingly shows adam daniels as the winning (not whining) victim, a deeper analytical stare bestows the thinking viewer of this documentary that something is amiss and still if one goes deeper they can see everything is hidden in plain sight.
I have done my best to document the timeline as the documentary progresses, but there are so many cross-section opposite identifiers that astonishingly could be interpreted as a web of deception and trickery from adam daniels own words that I cannot define it any other way nor find other words for “it” even if I liberally assign a gentle and soft judgement. In layman’s terms- I smell bullshit. Grab a shovel and lets now dig in.
It’s interesting adam had classified himself as a Satanist seemingly not on spirituality, but on what James Hale calls power, “Even if his version of events is correct it’s still rape and its power rape and he’s immediately started looking for a position of power upon losing that position of power.” (15:02). Is this in part why Adam had changed Gods? I almost have to agree with James Hale although as I’m looking for reasons not to, but I cannot come up with any. James Hale says adam is about power and adam did set up his own church and then had the power to be in complete control, free to do what he had wanted to do. A church free from Satanists and Satanism and is that because sex offenders are rejected by Satanists?
adam daniels states, “My studies have led me to the origins of the devil which is Angra Mainyu and he comes from Zoroastrianism which is the first dualistic religion in the world meaning there is one good versus one evil…” (3:17). This certainly is confusing to anyone considering adam daniels timeline since he cites his studies brought him to Angra Mainyu, yet he foremost self-accepted and self-identified as a Satanist and presented himself as a Satanist to become involved with Satanist James Hale and adam was apparently involved with other Satanists in the New England area. Then adam gets rejected due to his sex offender status, a status he kept hidden apparently by using a fake name in addition to not telling anyone. Sex offenders aren’t accepted as being a Satanist nor recognized as being a Satanist by the Satanists, so adam positions himself by shifting his gears into an angry spirit entity named Angra Mainyu- a spirit entity separate from Satanism.
It’s like watching a street magician perform slight-of-hand tricks except this is a slight of spirit gods trick, right? It begs the question when was adam studying that he personally didn’t catch his spiritual angry god mistake before identifying as a Satanist; or did adam study only after needing an alibi so he could accommodate his sex offender status and utilize a ‘Hollywood-esque scary god with which to sell his product brand of Hell?
If true, this theory pioneers that ego indeed built and steered adam daniels’ church and not Father Ahriman. The church then was not created out of a passion and not created out of a need for service to members, but was created to satisfy the ego and the whims of adam daniels. What other explanation could there be especially when reviewing the words of David Kindle, stated above in the Introduction to this article?
I cannot help, but to wonder when adam daniels stated, “…so if I masturbate and I give them my lust that gives them energy to fuel them…” (38:30). Perhaps adam daniels does masturbatory offerings not to satisfy the Demons, but to keep hidden the fact he is caught with his pants down.
Lets be clear regarding Demons. adam daniels states, “Demons are always abounding around us. When you evil-cake them and you give them energy you also have to give them direction. So, if I masturbate and I give them my lust that gives them energy to fuel them to do something then I project with my mind’s eye and I tell them through communicating that way through taking them through the process of what I want done they go and help accomplish that spiritually”. (38:22)
Nothing could be further from the truth. For all the studying that adam daniels has done, he really should know better. From my viewpoint he is simply expressing his lack of experience and lack of knowledge. Put into clarity consider the following perspective from the Hollywood Fantasy Horror movie Wishmaster (1997), “Match wits with a creature older than time. Match wits with a prince of the dark dominions. Pit your tiny twentieth-century brain against one who walked the spaces between the worlds and tromped the wings of angels beneath his conquering feet.”
Demons are not unintelligent. Demons are not at all Stupid. Our understanding of Demons must not come from the Harry Potter movie franchise as apparently adam daniels may have you believe. Certainly, if you give a demon energy you inherently enjoin with that Demon or any Demon (depending how your spell offer enjoins), even on a temporary basis. You’re giving them a gift and if they accept your gift (of energy in this example), then certainly they can go about your requested business versus dictator directives (direction as adam daniels calls it). When giving a demon energy, you request an exchange of services and they don’t need to accept your gift of energy. Demons are not a pet to be told to go fetch and that in my viewpoint is a very fatal flaw, perhaps manifest by adam daniels being stricken with a stroke (Dakhma of Angra Mainyu, The Dastur’s Greetings,; published Jun 16, 2018). It’s one of many ridiculous remarks made by adam daniels.
Studying the untold ridiculous comments made by adam daniels I recall the comment made by Serra Chase, Infernal High Mistress, Church of the 4 Crown Princes, “I think he’s completely ridiculous, I think he’s a clown which is kind of funny because he affiliates with these insane clown posse people. I think it’s perfect. He’s just like a court jester dancing around in front of the public.” (12:28).
And what of the association amid The Dakhma of Angra Mainyu with the music of The Insane Clown Posse? Adam daniels states, “There’s a lot of the concepts surrounding, uh, what the wicked clowns talk about that are in congruence with what we do as well, which is why you’ll see it the symbology of it throughout our things. There’s a lot of cohesiveness between the two.” (13.18).
I cannot help but to consider adam daniels tried to use the Insane Clown Posse, through their music, to attract potential church followers into his brand of devil worship, thinking he would have cohesiveness of brand identity and profit from the tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands or perhaps millions of people that ‘worship’, or at best listen, to the music of Insane Clown Posse. If so, the next question to ask is why didn’t the music listeners of the Insane Clown Posse make the connection to the Dakhma of Angra Mainyu? Why couldn’t adam daniels, the intelligent book author and video author, unite Insane Clown Posse music lovers to his style of spirituality? Well, the world may never know just how many licks of the guitar it’s going to take to get to the center of that question.
But using music in any religious denomination is well expected. No one gives it a second thought, after all it has become standard practice in the same way a judge wears a judicial robe, a medical doctor wears a medical smock and adam daniels wears his pride or whatever clothing he feels necessary to help get his professional church leader point of view across to the video viewing audience.
At 6:34 of the timeline you really must admire adam daniels confidence in not wearing a shirt. adam daniels acting in an official church capacity while not wearing a shirt exposing his tattoos and more than what anyone really needs to see, stated, “Congratulations Tom (Reverend Tom Erik Raspotnik, {actually a good person}) you have received the biggest douchebag of the universe award presented by the Church of Ahriman and if motherfuckers keep running their mouths you can earn this great award too!” (6:34). The sight of this falls between pathetic and traumatic. What was adam daniels thinking that he cannot garner self-respect, nor respect for his church and its members and the video viewers, that he is half dressed? From my viewpoint this video is infantile and grants the viewer an internal glimpse of the ‘back-and-forth’ decision-making process of adam daniels.
In this spirit, it’s difficult to give respect to adam daniels, but at the same time you must give respect to Kelsey Fowler Daniels since she is fucking that (adam).
Incidentally, I freezed, paused, the documentary at (16:14) and looked at Kelsey Fowler Daniels. She looks beyond tired. She looks
Incidentally, I freezed, paused, the documentary at (16:14) and looked at Kelsey Fowler Daniels. She looks beyond tired. She looks drained. She looks like this is not at all anywhere near the life she wanted for herself. When I met Kelsey Fowler Daniels the evening of December 20 2014, I was struck by her energy, her inner positivity. She is a gracious person. I couldn’t help, but to wonder if she would have had a better life without adam daniels, even if she chose to go it alone in life. Kelsey and adam make a good couple, but it is Kelsey that makes the relationship work in my opinion. It seems adam is such an eclectic balance of whims that Kelsey is the stabilizing force. I couldn’t stop wondering if this woman’s’ dreams were trashed and burned out by adam daniels.
Kelsey Fowler Daniels deserves the most patient wife of the Year award for all of the bullshit she has more than likely put up with over the years, especially considering adam had an amazing prison guard job that perhaps had a state pension attached to it and he lost that because he ‘consensually’ kissed an inmate. Pause and ask yourself, “How does a stupid decision like that happen?”
Again, adam daniels decision making process creates yet another credibility issue for adam daniels. “They want to use Satanists no I don’t want to be a part I don’t want to be considered anything to do with Satanists. I don’t care if they’re theistic, atheistic. No, I don’t want anything to do with it. Because their concept and how they do things as far as I’m concerned lack integrity and lack honor.” (5:55).
I don’t understand how you can be concerned about integrity and honesty when certainly as a prison guard adam daniels had to know he was not allowed any sexual fraternization, sexual contact with any inmate regardless of (adult) age and acceptance consensually, but apparently adam daniels, the sex offender, can preach about the concept of integrity and honor, right? This also places adam daniels in the unwanted, but warranted, position of explaining himself to the public. “…because I made one indiscretion with my life that I make a very tumultuous point because I don’t think I need to get into it with you people because it is my personal business….” (4:44), (Dakhma of Angra Mainyu – Dastur Adam,, published May 11 2012).
It’s warranted to be everyone’s business for two reasons. 1]. He runs a legal church. Whether he recognizes his responsibility or not, he has become, or should have been, an ‘upper’ member of the community, a respectable member of the community even as a Devil Worshipper, and hence needed to address this issue. He doesn’t have the layers of protection as the catholic church has, for example. 2]. The State of Oklahoma found it necessary to investigate adam daniels and then charge him with (the following public information stated as of February 2 2021) “Sexual Battery of person over 16”. The location is listed as ‘Shawnee Oklahoma Pottawatomie’ with a conviction date of August 4 2009. This was a 2 year term commencing on August 4 2009 and a release date of August 19 2011. The ‘End Reg Date’ is listed as ‘Lifetime’ and the status reads ‘Active’ and a ‘Y’ is posted after the word ‘Aggravated’ (Source: ‘’ {adam brian daniels} and ‘’ Oklahoma Sex & Violent Offender Registry {Offender Details}).
Is this the integrity and honesty that sex offender adam daniels aligns for himself, “You have to know yourself. You have to be comfortable with the animal that you are, the beast that you are and know that you’re going to do things that other people consider amoral are immoral, but as long as you’re gratified in the end and you don’t feel guilty because of it why should you stop.” (2:33).
I don’t wish to beat the proverbially dead horse here, but did adam not stop because he didn’t feel guilty for risking the financial security of his family; let alone the public humiliation and shame he brought upon his wife and children? Is there a difference between you the reader of this article whom has a spouse and children and a mortgage, etc., going into your place of employment and telling your boss you quit and then coming home and telling your spouse that they must now be the provider versus what adam daniels did (other than become a registered sex offender)? Think of losing everything in your life that should be important, but you throw it all away, but it’s alright because, “…as long as you’re gratified in the end and you don’t feel guilty because of it why should you stop?…”.
I am of the opinion that adam daniels should have stopped himself before he would be in a position to publicly state that he did not rape anybody, “I did not rape anybody. I had consensual touching and making out with an inmate. I admitted to that. There’s a subset to the sexual battery law in Oklahoma and a subset is that if you’re working for a Department of Corrections a person who is incarcerated by the Department of Corrections cannot legally give consent. It was a consenting relationship, but because she could not legally give consent and I worked with I.A. (Internal Affairs) on it I got hit with sexual battery with a person over the age of 16.” (14.33).
Fair enough, right? Damn the luck, right? At best this is a non-issue since the relationship was consensual and the extreme opposite is quite the issue as a prison guard with authority over an inmate has sexual touching. Can reasonable minds compromise in the middle and agree to a variation of a ‘Don’t ask, don’t tell’ philosophy? Perhaps that is a potential solution that may satisfy the critics, but never in the middle shall the ends meet. Why? Here’s why-
Jeremy Melvin and adam daniels create a church sanctioned video in total opposition to the sincerity adam daniels espoused as described above. The scene is a circus event with inherent catastrophic determinations. The second point is absolutely nothing is what it seems including one’s own sincerity and; first and most importantly the church as a witticism, a folly, a non-entity except for the document granting the church legal status. I view it as counterfeiting money and getting away with spending the fake money with no questions asked.
With a framed picture hanging on the background wall featuring a christian preacher eating the ass of a prostitute with the number 471 written on the picture, the following dialogue unfolds:
Jeremy Melvin: “We come back and we come back again to this sign and this number. We’ve seen this on various occasions now.”
adam daniels: “Yes, the number 471 in case everybody in our viewing audience is curious. This Is 471 days of the church of Ahriman has gone without raping another person. We thought that every one of us should take an oath when we became a legal church not to rape anybody.” (15:30).
Jeremy Melvin: “A grand oath. A grand idea.”
Can it not be argued that with the dialog between Jeremy Melvin and adam daniels that although they did not rape anyone in the last 471 days, but may be alluding that 472 days prior they did rape someone? Why would a sex offender think of creating such a video let alone actually create and then publicly post this damning, immature, irresponsible video online? So it can now be debated whether adam daniels just admitted he had raped someone while simultaneously knowing ha also had the following denial, “I did not rape anybody. I had consensual touching and making out with an inmate. I admitted to that. (14:34).
I get that adam daniels and everyone in his organization no longer gives a fuck as adam daniels stated, but he could have accomplished so much more work in attempting to attain goals and status and he not only destroyed all of it, but continually disrespected his own work and to what ends? It completely disrespects all individuals, members or not, associated with the church. Is there not a magnificent difference of distance between self-respect and not giving a fuck? What was accomplished? How did it all work out for adam? Astonishing. The decision-making process of a Devil Worship church leader whom had it all leaves me inconsolable and speechless.
But remember, adam daniels states that he, and speaking for everyone in his group, no longer gives a fuck, “Every person in my group no longer gives a fuck we no longer care. You’re taking like Malcolm X, it only takes one person who does not give a fuck to change the world. Well now ya’ got a group of them.” (17:46).
Adam daniels citing the name Malcom X, for an adam daniels cause, is a direct insult to Malcom X. Politicians will use perception to associate themselves as a just and upright individual, to elevate their perception to others by associating themselves to anothers name- a name that publicly carries with it great status and positive recollections.
Politicians typically utilize this process in a speech by stating a president’s name or another public figure whose name carries positive perceptions. In other words for example, a politician would invoke the name of Abraham Lincoln or John F Kennedy or George Washington, or in more modern times Ronald Reagan and Dr. Martin Luther King,- all for attaching their own name and persona to these historical and well perceived name recognition brands. The idea is for the public to connect positive thoughts from the historical figure onto, in this example, the politician giving an interview or speech. To attach, brand, connect and achieve a positive reaction result.
adam daniels, in my estimation, has adopted this practice so he can have name recognition with Malcolm X possibly in an attempt to adjust or polish his own persona. Maybe and maybe not. I wonder what Malcolm X would think if he knew a sexual offender was invoking his name. Would you want a sex offender attaching his name to your person? Something to consider in the overall layout of things.
Something else to consider: does adam daniels no longer gives a fuck unless it affects adam daniels. There are no standards if no one gives a fuck, right? On one side we have the Satanists and in this example a group led by James Hale, Lord High Master, Church of the 4 Crown Princes, whom does have standards and whom gives a fuck insofar as LaVeyan Satanism is being adhered to. Clean and simple.
On the other side we have the ‘was a Satanist, but not a Satanist’. Once it was discovered Satanist adam smith was not adam smith, but in reality was registered sex offender adam daniels, James Hale kicked adam daniels out of his church. Adam daniels then stopped being a Satanist and became a Devil Worshipper and started the Church of Ahriman, but later changed the name to Dakhma of Angra Mainyu that doesn’t give a fuck insofar as anything being adhered to. Dirty and thorny.
Oh, but best to adhere giving a fuck to adam daniels or there is Hell to pay- and there are no refunds. At some point during the course of the Oklahoma City Black Mass event, a woman whom came from ‘fucking downtown fucking Texas’, was comfortable being the animal that she is, the beast that she is, in doing things that people consider amoral and immoral and certainly didn’t feel guilty because of it (“You have to know yourself. You have to be comfortable with the animal that you are, the beast that you are and know that you’re going to do things that other people consider amoral and immoral, but as long as you’re gratified in the end and you don’t feel guilty because of it why should you stop.” (2:33)) loudly started expressing her photographic grievance.
“You are pointing your camera up here at people that don’t want to have their picture taken. No, it’s not okay for everybody, maybe for you little Miss Fucking Princess. I came from fucking downtown fucking Texas….” (8:51). And adam daniels immediately shut her down at that point and asked her to leave, which she did without a fuss. She should have never made it into the room since was wearing a beautiful long black dress, but with a brown leather coat- waist length. No clothing standards for the Devil Worshippers- they no longer give a fuck.
Oh, but adam no longer gives a fuck, but here again when it’s about adam daniels and for adam daniels, well,… for someone whom wants nothing to do with Satanists and Satanism because they lack honor and integrity, adam daniels certainly has a large enough tattoo of Satanist Anton LaVey tattooed on his arm (1:31). To be clear, adam daniels states the Satanists lack honor and integrity all the while sporting a Satanic tattoo on his left arm so couldn’t the intellectual reader consider adam daniels a liar and hence himself the one whom lacks integrity and honor? Just a note, you can have your tattoos removed: SEARCH ENGINE: tattoo removal; “Can you remove a tattoo at home? Using salt to remove tattoos is a common solution, and there are no side effects in most cases. … This is cheap and easily done natural tattoo removal, and much more convenient than laser surgery. Aloe Vera. Aloe vera is another method of natural tattoo removal, and is basically painless”. May 22, 2019; (
But if adam daniels lacks integrity and honor, then what is lacking in the catholic church? First for me this documentary is conceivably about the reaction from the Oklahoma City Oklahoma catholic church, diocese of tulsa. In my mind the real enemy is the catholic church. Consider the following exchange as the most reverend Paul Coakley was asked, “(Interviewer): Would you say this is evil in it’s one of its purest forms?” and Paul Coakley responded, “It is indeed.” (32:31).
Professor Marie Dallam of The University of Oklahoma stated, “But Anton LaVey specifically said you only do the black mass in response to an oppressive regime and Catholicism is no longer an oppressive regime in the United States, consumerism is oppressive. Celebrity worship is oppressive, all kinds of things are oppressive, but I don’t understand why they chose Catholicism here.” (41:21).
And consider what mortgage banker Everett Cox stated, “All I can say is I am totally against Satanism and witchcraft and and I’m going to shoot it down any way I can. That’s where I’m coming from. Any of us that belong to Jesus have an obligation to counter-attack because they’re attacking us.” (20:49).
And then Executive Minister Richard Peterson, Deliverance Ministries Inc., stated, “Uh, we are engaged in a war. Uh, it’s, and it’s going to go on… it, it until, until the end.” (33:36).
What is oppressive? What exactly does Everett Cox want to attack or counterattack? What war are they fighting that will continue until the end? It’s interesting that the diocese of Tulsa essentially states that they are under attack, “A black mass inverts the action and meaning of our Holy Eucharist in order to mock Christ’s sacrifice and worship the devil through an orgiastic ritual of pain in perversion.” (23:31).
If the diocese of Tulsa has anything resembling an orgiastic ritual then certainly they must be referring to their own organization when they elected a former Hitler Youth as pope (SEARCH ENGINE: Hitler youth becomes pope, Pope Benedict XVI {pope from April 19 2005 through February 28 2013} aka Joseph Alois Ratzinger, Allegiance to Nazi Germany through to 1945, Service/branch was Wehrmacht Reichsarbeitsdienst Luftwaffenhelfer,–tosP-RSygOQ%3A1613788668659&ei=_HUwYJLUJ8-utQbxl5vwDw&q=Hitler+youth+becomes+pope&oq=Hitler+youth+becomes+pope&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAwyBwgjELADECc6CggjELACELADECdQqHFYqHFg6YIBaAFwAHgAgAFmiAG7AZIBAzEuMZgBAKABAaoBB2d3cy13aXrIAQHAAQE&sclient=gws-wiz&ved=0ahUKEwiSwtmit_fuAhVPV80KHfHLBv4Q4dUDCA0.
I am a fan of Professor Marie Dallam, University of Oklahoma, and I offer for her the following catholic oppressive behavior against the world- SEARCH ENGINE: catholic priests committing illegal acts,
From pedophile priests to priests stealing money from their collection plates and on and on and on. It’s all there. Certainly, how could there be an argument against the evidence that the highest orders of this religious business organization indeed have sinful ideologies and devilish arrangements?
And so the believers of the god of catholics and the god of jesus ministers and all christians slept through the Holocaust of World War 2 where 6 million Jews were murdered according to The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (;
allowed the rape of seemingly countless victims each year. SEARCH ENGINE: how many rapes occur in the USA each year?; “433,648 victims
On average, there are 433,648 victims (age 12 or older) of rape and sexual assault each year in the United States.” (
And anyone of us can ceaselessly, perpetually, cite our own experiences, and some of us can cite statistics where god awaits in the theater of life, standing in the dark dusty stage wings waiting for the stage manager to call ’places’ all the while never caring less and never passing any opportunity to portray the absentee landlord character as the audience applauds when the house lights dim for a common life tragedy to begin anew.
But christ gets crucified and damn it all to Hell when any person celebrating an ‘occult spirituality’, any Left Hand Path philosophy, soulfully vibrate toward attempts to publicly share their spiritual love. And while it may be stated adam daniels publicly shared the spiritual love I am seeing evidence that adam daniels only shared adam daniels and for me seeing is believing.
There are endless examples, far too many to state here, of adam daniels taking credit for accomplishments that should be church group membership accomplishments, even when adam states ‘we’ he is referring apparently to his wife and himself: “(Observer): And there’s a reason why, uhm, the Satanists have come to Oklahoma to take ground”; “(adam daniels): Because it’s the most catholic area in the United States that I could possibly imagine to disrupt and destroy, that’s what they want with us, the main we live here. Bottom line.” (41:05).
He has a Facebook persona named ‘dastur’ and another one named ‘john michelson’ and another one named ‘dasturadam’ and another one named ‘adam daniels’ and another one named ‘ashemaogha’ and those are only the ones I know of applying to Facebook. There are other identities on other social media sites.
Has adam daniels lied just so he can by far come off to others as more important than he really is? There is an interesting Youtube video titled, “The Ra-Men podcast EP8, Give the Devil his Due – with Dastur Adam Daniels” ( posted on the AronRa channel which has a beautiful 254,000 subscribers that certainly adam daniels was hoping to convert to his brand of spirituality. Aron Ra is on the pulse of what is happening and I have enjoyed watching his Youtube videos where he has given lectures on a variety of topics.
Perhaps you the reader will raise an eyebrow as I had after I read the following comment from Aron Ra posted in 2015, “At first I was upset that I picked on this guy for believing in a literal devil. Then a representative of the [non-theist] Satanic Temple pointed out that Adam Daniels is in no way connected with their organization, even though, as you can see in this interview, he certainly made himself out to be the man behind all these court cases. So it seems that the devil worshipper lied to me.” (2015).
Possibly the only truth about adam daniels and his Dakhma of Angra Mainyu church had come from Dr. George J Seig, Professor University of New Mexico and Professor Marie Dallam, University of Oklahoma.
Dr. George J Seig, Professor University of New Mexico, stated, “They’re devil worshippers and they’re an apocalyptic movement so they seek to promote the end of creation.” (5:32).
Professor Marie Dallam, University of Oklahoma stated, “Groups that believe they have a special role to play in the end time, might be conceived of as potentially dangerous because they might take action to spur that on.” (11:03).
adam daniels himself stated, “This church in many ways is founded on a warrior-type basis that has honor and integrity. We do things in a light and will stand up to our enemies. We will get in their face and fight them face-to-face.” (6:24).
adam daniels also stated, “I proclaim death to all. Destroy every member of the enemies herd. For there shall be no mercy behind the enemy’s line.” (10:49).
adam daniels also stated, “If it comes to bloodshed, it comes to bloodshed. I am prepared. I have done my time the martial arts arena. I have worked in a maximum-security prison, I say bring the violence.” (11:13).
Now consider what Professor Marie Dallam, University of Oklahoma states, “At least with the term new religious movement, we’re trying to say we’re taking you seriously new alternative slightly you know unusual religion we’re trying to approach you from a neutral ground and understand what you’re about.” (7:43).
Are you with me so far? Through an established and accredited university, a professor stated ‘we’re taking you seriously’. Now check this out-
In a very shocking three minute and twenty second video titled, The Knife Dakhma of Ahriman, published August 7 2020 on a Youtube channel titled COA Comedy!!!, adam daniels hands jared perkins a sheathed long blade knife which jared perkins states that it (the knife) is heavier than he expected. At 1:10 into the video jared perkins hands adam the knife handle first at which time adam places the blade against his own throat (1:21) and makes a death face with his tongue hanging out. Adam daniels hands the knife back to jared perkins and then states while staring into the camera, “This motherfucker right here right here I got this motherfucker, it’s not legal. I can’t I can’t leave the house with this thing. I can’t leave,… But, but it’s for people like you who I’ve been like talking about… talking about for awhile… these things will cut off your fucking face! Ok. If you want to come onto this property… This is what I’m going to cut you with. And I will cut ya and I will cut ya and you most likely won’t be coming again. Jared there, here it is man (chuckling).” The video then goes on to show two sheathed knives setting on a wall shelf inside the home.
Adam daniels has video recorded himself with swords and knives with very long blades and this must be concerning as he has stated death to all and bring the violence all while he is the head of a church. Whom among you would view the Dakhma of Angra Mainyu a cult church? I do based upon adam daniels own actions and words and the words of others.
But what about the words of Kelsey Fowler Daniels?
The Evacuation of the Oklahoma State Capital.
Oklahoma Capitol Briefly Locked Down After 4 Suspicious Letters Were Received
DAHBOO777, published February 4, 2015
100 letters supporting homosexual lifestyles shut down Oklahoma Capitol
The weather at the Oklahoma State Capital on Wednesday February 4 2015 enjoyed a high of 46 degrees. Sure beats being up north, but goodness one could start thinking of palm trees when the temperature is at 60 degrees.
On this date in the Oklahoma State Capital the weather isn’t what the people working there were thinking about on their way to work. I don’t think the weather was even a topic as The Okalhoma State Capital was evacuated apparently due to 4 letters that were distributed by Adam daniels (and maybe Kelsey Daniels Fowler]- I’m not definite) on that 46 degree February day. Nothing was found and the Oklahoma State Capital building reopened for business.
And what of the letters? What was all the fuss about? Well, here is a copy of the letter that was distributed to 100 legislatures-
Hail, Representatives of the Oklahoma House of Representatives:
I, Dastur Adam Daniels, am the head clergy and administer of the legally filed Church known as the Dakhma of Angra Mainyu. Mobed Kelsey Daniels and I are both legally ordained and filed ministers at the Oklahoma County Court House. Our church has successfully performed a public wedding ceremony with a wedding license that is legally binding on file at the Oklahoma County Court House as well. Purpose of this letter is to show the church’s opposition to OK HB 1125. The Bill in question and those who wrote this where obliviously unaware of our presence and our ability to legally act as ordained clergy members when it comes to marriage law. (Included with this letter is our Church’s business license, copy of my minister’s credentials, copy of the wedding license.)
This Bill speaks of common law marriage, as it currently stands in the State of Oklahoma; common law marriage is not recognized and shows this bill to be illegal. Another issue with this Bill is only allowing filed clergy to perform a wedding ceremony and only they have the power to execute this legally binding license upheld by the State of Oklahoma. This shows bigotry and an attempt to force the free government and citizens of Oklahoma to accept the beginnings of power transfer into a theocracy, which is unconstitutional. Finally, HB 1125 is specifically aimed at the Homosexual community; this community is a community of US citizens and residents of Oklahoma. As of October 6, 2014 same sex marriages became legal. Trying to pass laws to supersede established laws to create a legal discrimination is illegal and unconstitutional.
In conclusion, I ask that you, honorable Representatives of The House of Representatives of Oklahoma to stop this bigoted attempt to legally discriminate against members of our community. These same members include homosexuals, atheists, and others deemed less than human by the Christian community because of perceived laws of God. Laws created by zealots that were codified hundreds to thousands of years ago should hold zero merit in today’s government that must uphold the separation of Church and State. As I know you love your freedom, allowing this Bill any progress will go against our Constitution and will give the Church power over the Government and our citizens. Think back on the bloody history both the Roman Catholic Church and Nation of Islam, and ask yourself if you would like to allow such a regime to rule over yourselves, your loved ones, and your neighbors.
Sincere Regards,
Dastur Adam Daniels
Dakhma of Angra Mainyu
Showing the World, Real Devil Worship
KFOR News reported, “Officials say there is no proof that any white powdery substance was found on the letters.” And also reported, “The envelopes brought business at the Oklahoma Capitol to a halt on Wednesday afternoon. However, they were given the all clear after being deemed harmless.”
Of course, no one knows what they don’t know, because if they did the final line in KFORs’ news article would be chilling. “”Hopefully this incident shows that we’re not the vile people that they believe us to be,” said Daniels. “We too will speak out against civil matters that matter to us.””
Enter the stupidity of Kelsey Fowler Daniels. Why? Why? Why? Why would anyone communicate such a thing online? If the daniels were under secret indictment their phones would be tapped and more. There is a reason people have messengers whom meet in person and not send information electronically. On a personal level I wish I could look Jared Perkins in the eye and state, “Damn the Luck.” And then start chuckling because Jared Perkins told me he would make it right.
According to the following Facebook chat, adam daniels and Kelsey Fowler Daniels placed powder inside one or more letters intended for the Oklahoma State Legislatures. I have photographs, but I’m not publishing them for the readers, but I will give copies to The Oklahoma Bureau of Investigation and The Department of Justice.
Kelsey sent February 8, 2015
Hey, just so you know. The letters where lightly powdered with goofer dust. Corn starch base, sulfer, Valerian Root, patchouli, and black pepper. Just to leave a smell n hex. No major granules. We worked on dusting those for hours.
You sent February 8, 2015
???? I wondered, but wasn’t going to say or ask ????
You sent February 8, 2015
Please, how are you???
I miss you and Adam so very much !
You sent February 8, 2015
I don’t think a day has gone by that I haven’t thought of you all.
Kelsey sent February 8, 2015
They smelled, we are doing great. Miss you too. Finding trouble as always.
Kelsey sent February 8, 2015
Kelsey sent February 8, 2015
Kelsey sent February 8, 2015
You sent February 8, 2015
I’m ready for another steak ! ????
Kelsey sent February 8, 2015
That’s the stuff. Oh, that place was really good ?
You sent February 8, 2015
On a post from Adam, I left comments about the legislature and also posted the comments on my FB page. I didn’t know how you all would feel if I posted the story on my FB page.
You sent February 8, 2015
Yes, and the server was wonderful
Kelsey sent February 8, 2015
Please, we just have all haters on ignore. Damned if you do and damned if you don’t.
Kelsey sent February 8, 2015
He was good ????
You sent February 8, 2015
Thank you. I will post then.
Wow. There it is. What more can be said? Forget about stupid, what they did was horrid and to what end? But the authorities apparently stated there was nothing to see here. Seems like the daniels took Wednesday February 4 2015 more seriously than anyone else.
And at 46 degrees, Hell didn’t need to freeze over.
The Church that James Hale and The daniels Built.
Church of the IV Majesties… Remembered
Published September 22, 2012.
Years ago, James Hale and adam daniels and Kelsey Fowler Daniels created a church called ‘Church of the IV Majesties’. Apparently there were several issues that the church couldn’t survive and the parties went their own way. No harm no foul, right? But Kelsey, the taxpaying woman who Facebook messaged me that her and adam ‘dusted’ letters meant for Oklahoma State Legislators, gives us her take on the events that brought the church down.
Kelsey Fowler Daniels stars in this very telling, information filled, interview. Topping the list, Kelsey tells how James Hale, Lord High Master, Church of The IV Crown Princes, consistently stops their church from posting videos online in part because of poor video quality and who could blame James Hale? The videos that the daniels have posted on their Youtube channel aren’t of a quality one would expect from a quality organization. It’s telling since video creating software could be purchased for $50.00 or less at a Best Buy. Kelsey continues to state that James Hale snapped his fingers at Kelsey to fetch something, seemingly in a mind control plot for James Hale to make a submissive in Kelsey Fowler Daniels.
Is your bullshit meter going off? I ask since I do not know of any one woman in this world, unless they enjoy being a submissive, that would let any man, their Father included, get away with snapping their fingers at them to ‘fetch’ anything like a dog. I just don’t think we are getting the full story not only here, but throughout this interview.
While listening, I could not help, but to wonder why Kelsey hadn’t stood up for herself? Why didn’t adam ‘death-to-the-world-dominicus’ daniels beat the bullshit out of James Hale, after all where are the witnesses? And just to be clear- Kelsey states she was intimidated and allegedly someone tampered with the door of their home so illegal access may possibly be gained and the result is everyone packs a lunch and gets out of town after contacting adams probation officer since adam is a sex offender, right?
Please, kindly allow me to take pause for personal comments.
It’s all so tiring, isn’t it? I mean all of it- it’s just too much. In my mind the only drama missing is someone finding adam in a dark room sitting down sucking his thumb and rocking back and forth, right- and I’m not trying to be humorous. Kelsey Fowler Daniels probably only wanted to be loved and married and raise a family, that’s all, right- are you with me? And she perhaps makes a monumental mistake of settling on adam in my opinion since her entire physical existence seemingly centers 80% on adam 10% on her work 5% on her children and the other 5% on miscellaneous. It’s a terrible tragedy for those of us whom knows this is not normal, right? Is she trapped? Does she feel trapped? Kelsey isn’t 21 anymore so what are her options and has she ever thought of her options? It’s human to think of one’s options insofar as starting a new life- having a new beginning, isn’t it?
It’s human to think of one’s options insofar as starting a new life- having a new beginning, isn’t it?
And the bullshit never seems to stop. On a Youtube channel titled, “COA Comedy!!!!” (apparently a church sanctioned type of channel) is a video titled, “More Threats” published January 20, 2021, where adam daniels, is as always mentally well alert, states an apparent death threat from someone in the state of Michigan with a telephone number of 810-242-8406. The viewer can tell both adam and Kelsey are quite bothered by this, but how befitting for the daniels to now be on the receiving end of ‘pressures’. And what of Kelsey when adam dies? Will she be facing death threats alone as they both are receiving now? Is there someone laying in wait to attack adam daniels family as he is no longer spry? It’s a worthwhile question since the sender must have known adam has had health issues and certainly even adam must acknowledge that the weak are food for the strong.
Back to this video, Kelsey states, “You can’t fake anything like that. There’s it’s too far gone it’s too messed up to be able to conjure anything like that. It’s James is a monster everything that he says adam is, is what he every time that we’ve done a public event he pulled out that same old card saying these same old things. And I don’t know if we’ll be able to get rid of him ever, but from here on out this people should put two and two together and realize that, that James is a monster and no one should pay him any mind.” (27:26).
Again with the bullshit meter, right? In the documentary The Real Enemy, James Hale stated, “As long as your beliefs are grounded in Satanism, then we accept membership from you.” (7:15). And a trusting James Hale did just that. It wasn’t until an online address search exposed adam smith was actually adam daniels, a registered sex offender. James Hales didn’t bullshit anyone- adam daniels was the bullshitter, right? James Hale only crime was to trust.
James Hale throughout The Real Enemy documentary even comes across as even-keeled and articulate, almost as a banker in a suit and tie. When you frame James Hale under that perception and compare that perception to adam daniels in a suit and tie perception the difference is clearly night and day from my viewpoint and adam daniels comes across as incompetent and unhinged. Close your eyes and listen to the two for comparison and I would be interested if you would agree with my opinion regarding the differences between the two.
And what am I to think regarding what Kelsey Fowler Daniels told the video viewers in this interview? Considering she and adam daniels placed fliers of a naked former church member around the Oklahoma City Oklahoma area including her place of work and Kelsey Fowler Daniels with adam daniels feather dusted one or more letters with a powder that was delivered by hand to legislatures of the Oklahoma State Capital which was evacuated costing taxpayers hundreds of thousands, if not millions of dollars? I think Kelsey Fowler Daniels has a Hollywood California future in acting. She comes across in this video as somewhere between traumatized and needy and I’m not convinced. I think she is a con-woman, a liar, and makes dog feces more valuable when she walks past a pile. Like husband, like wife comes to mind. I don’t believe her nor adam take personal responsibility for much.
End of Part 1. Part 2 will be published June 16 2021.